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ABU GA 2019 – Tokyo – Nov 19th 2019: Prof. Shiba, quality champion, unveils key levers to build media trust and enrich audience experience Quality management workshop, Hyatt Regency, Shinjuku

The theme of the 56 ABU Assembly is “Building trust Enriching audience experience”. It says “with the media landscape drastically changing, audiences are seeking more diverse and higher quality experiences through multiple platforms“. Ryoichi Ueda, president of NHK (new president

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Publié dans Management des médias, Newsletters, Round Table

Kuala Lumpur, March 2-3rd : ISAS BCP9001 is being updated!

The media focused ISAS BCP 9001 quality management standard is being updated to reflect the recent changes of ISO 9001 while integrating the best quality management practices worldwide

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